Promote proper maintenance and sustainability of wastewater disposal systems

Goal 23. Promote proper maintenance and sustainability of wastewater disposal systems

A major­i­ty of res­i­den­tial prop­er­ties in the Town are not sew­ered and rely on sub­sur­face sewage dis­pos­al (sep­tic) sys­tems for waste­water dis­pos­al. It is crit­i­cal to ensure that sep­tic sys­tems are prop­er­ly main­tained so that they do not neg­a­tive­ly impact soils and water qual­i­ty (ground and sur­face water). The Westch­ester Coun­ty Depart­ment of Health per­mits and reg­u­lates sep­tic sys­tems. The Town of New Cas­tle should pro­mote prop­er use and main­te­nance of sep­tic sys­tems through its web­site, annu­al Town-wide mail­ing and oth­er means. The Town should work with Westch­ester Coun­ty and the North­ern Westch­ester Water­shed Com­mit­tee to estab­lish a pro­gram to repair or replace fail­ing and sub­stan­dard sep­tic systems.

Related Principle: Harmony with Nature