Adopt a waste management plan that identifies the community's greatest sources of waste

Action 24.6. Adopt a waste management plan that identifies the community's greatest sources of waste

Adopt a waste man­age­ment plan that iden­ti­fies the com­mu­ni­ty’s great­est sources of waste, sets for­mal waste reduc­tion tar­gets and estab­lish­es actions to help reach the com­mu­ni­ty’s waste reduc­tion aims. This should include food waste from both res­i­den­tial and com­mer­cial uses.

Related Goal: Reduce pollution from buildings,…
  • Action Type: Study and Analysis
  • Classification: Climate and Energy
  • Departmental Weight: Low
  • Lead Responsible Party: DPW
  • Other Responsible Parties:
    • Substainabilty Advisory Board

Project Status
